
PSA INDUSTRI ApS produces mudflaps of a very high quality, we have developed a thermoplastic component
which is flexible and can resist the most extreme weather conditions.

Our mudflaps are tested and approved by the Danish Technology Institute, who concluded that the mudflap is
suitable for use down to -35°C.

The Anti-Spray system developed by PSA INDUSTRI ApS has been tested at TÜV in Hannover, Germany and 
received a homologation according to current EEC directive about spray reduction for mudflaps.

According to the test the PSA Anti-Spray mudflaps absorb an average of 75 % water.

Material used for mudflaps has the following properties: 

Temperature-resistance: Down to -35°C
UV-resistance: Resist long time UV-radiation
Impact strength: Good - no break
Burning: Slowly
Chemical resistance: Weak acid - Good
Bases - Good
Petrol/oil - Good